Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Forensic Report Reaction

Here's a link to an NPR story about the reaction to the National Academy of Science report of the state of forensic science. According to the story:

"There are some steps everyone appears to agree on, according to [Scott] Burns [executive director of the National District Attorneys Association], such as accreditation of all public and private labs, certification of forensic analysts and scientists and universal standards for certain forensic techniques."

"Everyone also seems to agree that some areas will need further research," for example, shaken baby syndrome which has led to many convictions of murder "on the theory that a certain type of internal bleeding is almost always caused by shaking a baby."

"'We have respected people on both sides of the medical profession speaking very loudly and now with greater and greater vitriol as to whether that theory is legitimate,' Thomas Bohan of the American Academy of Forensic Science says. 'We've got to have somebody like the National Academy of Sciences look at all of the studies that are put forth as validating that theory — and see whether they're valid.'"

To read the transcript or listen to the story:

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