Thursday, November 12, 2009

Valley County Public Defender Update

The finalists for the Valley County Public Defender position are: Todd Wilcox, J.D. Hallin, Ken Arment, and Scott Erekson. Now the County Commissioners will hold interviews. It is not yet known whether Valley County is going to make the Public Defender's Office a county agency or continue to contract the work out.

In a refreshing change of pace, only 50% of the candidates are current or former prosecutors and 100% have actually done some criminal defense work.


  1. So, how can Todd Wilcox, and the guy who works for and shares a practice with Todd Wilcox, and is doing the PD work for Todd Wilcox, apply as a seperate applicant for the PD contract? Sounds like it is going in house through the county to me.

  2. seems like mr wilcox isnt muchof a lawer as ive never seen him actually do any trial work it seems all he does is plea bargain his way out of actually having to do anytype of work as this is a pretty tight nit group in the court system seems to me they all are getting paid for just showing up as everything is recorded wonder if they sleep in the chambers

  3. please see

    for more information on "sleeping" arrangements

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